Monday, July 18, 2011

the kids story

my kids are growing up so fast.

Alesha is nearing 6 and acting like she is already 10! Can u believe it that she actually can cook rice? well..she did not really cook- cook la. she washed the beras and really keen on doing this and that in kitchen. I dont really remember at what age i started to get interested in home chores. Macam tak pernah je!! Harharhar. doing homechores were more of a need then an interest to me. When mak got sick, i just had to do the cooking and cleaning at home. I would rather be in my room reading a book or before the pc main pc games. tapi mak got to eat and takkan hari hari nak makan makanan beli je kan. SO i learn to cook and do things needed to be done at home. Wasnt good and never good at it too.sampai la skarang.

But Alesha is definitely not me. last weekend we went to pasar. Azhad was well being Azhad - complained about the smelly pasar dengan suara yang sangat kuat. Whilst Alesha cool and was really eager to see sayur and ikan. Aku lak yang rimas. So we bought couple of fishes and 4 udang galah. So 1 for each of family member la kan.

Mak dengan semangatnya nak goreng aje la udang galah tu. After all, kang masak beriya gulai kang, anak-anak tak dapat makan. Alesha was ever the eager to help. siap tukar baju and ikat rambut basuh tangan bagai nak help out in the kitchen. So she was tasked with potong misai n kaki udang. no problem la, except the fact kejab kejab tangan bau udang pegang rambut, kejab kejab gosok muka. lantak laaa..

But the kelakar part was, she didnt even eat the udang. hheheh kosannya member geli sebab part basuh taik/otak udang tu dia nampak aku keluarkan segala macam benda kat kepala udang tu. Langsung mati selera.

Azhad pulak...hmmmph ini lagi satu hal. Dulu rasa cam kiut miut sangat la dia ni. la ni adeehhhh tersangat la keras kepala. Not in a bad way, aku suka jugak that he is very determined and strong willed, but if benda yang dia determine sangat tu ialah makan gula-gula n keropok sebagai makanan ruji, tak ke pening ko? He would be very resourceful sampaikan if gula2 tu kat para tinggi, dia akan terhegeh hegeh angkat bangku yg double his side untuk panjat ambik gula2. sama la if nak ipad ke, main game ke..sanggup tu. tak de nak merenggek nangis ke.Haa ko tak bagi, meh sini aku ambik sendiri.

more to tell about azhad, tapi la ni aku sambil-sambil update blog and buat karangan bm untuk opis ni. so idea aku tak keluar sangat.

Later peeps...