The good news are:
1. tahap kemalasan dah beransur kurang
2. lethargic and mual mual dah takde
3. My semput is subsiding (aku kena astmatic attack at about 14 weeks)
4. my weight is now 75.3 kg (Aik..buat muka terperanjat..This is consider good la sebab den ni pun dah sedia ada 74kg before preggy. So..kena maintain not too much increase - nanti mati aku nak kurus balik)
5. I now know the gender of the baby..tapi ni suprise..Give me 1 more ultrasound cum 6 mos and i will get to the story telling .
The not so good news..
1. Perut though not that mereneng stretch dah start gatal-gatal. I foresee a very fierce stretch mark on the way..
2. Very bad sinus cum eczema attck..Muka all flacky and merah2 and gatal-gatal. Again i foresee this pregnancy moi wont be looking glowingly jambu - same goes during Alesha's.
3. Perut aku kekadang sengkak kat rib cage. Maybe lil' one ni ada habit snugling kat rib cage. And most of the time, dia kat ari-ari. Maybe i should consider urut for this? I will think about this bila nak masuk 6 mos nanti.
4. My gynae referred me to Respiratory Specialist - this to prepare me for my asthmatic attack during delivery. Not so good news and not much of info sebab gynae asked me to see the RP personally to get more info and ashmatic and labour
5. Gynae without much alarm informed aku masa ultrasound i've got lil' fibroid. Hmm..nothing to be worried about thats what she said..but you can help wondering eh?
5. The current hospital is charging mad bill!! Hmm...camna ni..nak beranak kat sini, tapi monthly consultation mahal sangat la pulak. Maybe best check at gynae at normal clinic and then beranak kat sini. Tapi banyak sangat la complications aku ni viz asthma, fibroid, difficult previous labour...hmmm...maybe i should just stick at 1 hospital where they have all my records??
6. I can't find any name i like. Hahaha..premature nyer nak pikir pasal nama at this stage kan. Tapi masa alesha dulu we went for about 5 -6 rounds of potential names since i knew i was pregnant. Yang ni semua nama yang kitaorang come accross aku cam tak berapa suka..hmm...kena tengok balik buku abu afiqah ni. lagi banyak la pulak bad news dari good news...*ponder* *ponder*
horaaaa hurrayyy....
Aku cadangkan ko tak yah tukar hospital biar record kat situ je....
mahal nya berapa weh?
aku next kena consider wang ringgit la sblm ni company lakiku tanggung hahah dah behenti kerja sana....makanya hahahaa...
bestnya!! the beauty of pregnancy. enjoy la selagi boleh..
bab spital tu...aku pun tak pi everymonth. tapi untuk hang aku nasihatkan pegi la jugak... to monitor your astma. kang jadik apa2 haru..
anyway, enjoy!!
hehehe best nye dengar..
bab2 spital ni....mmmm bape mahal ye???
aku pun tak biase..hehhehhe
korang, haritu aku g check up biasa je without any ubat 9dia bagi acid folic & ubat flu) dah rm130. Itu belum lagi kalau bagi obimin la, calcium la, blood test la, etc etc. Tu yang aku rasa mahal tu. Consultation dah sampai rm60 untuk doctor tu. Ultra sound dah rm40. Belum lagi mak nenek urine test la, bloood test la..ntah apa lagi jab la (kalau ada la). Aku biasa gi kalau complete ubat n blood test baru rm130. adehhhh...sakit la aku company tak tanggung ni
mahal juga noo......mmm..tak pe rezeki bb..
memang mahal dr hang charge. pegi mana tu? tapi kalau khidmat memuaskan ok lagi.
aku penah pegi klinik biasa aje dia charge sampai seratus lebih jugak dua kali aku pegi. ingatkan kalau pi klinik murah...tapi lagi mahal dari yang biasa SMC tu. hangin tul aku!.. pusrawi la. Aku rasa ward dia ok kak oi. tapi cek biasa biasa ni cam cekik sikit. Ni aku tgh fight kat opis suh cover maternity check up skali. Apa la biul nyer policy, beranak cover, tapi check up tak cover. Dah entitlement aku rm1000+ tu apa jadahnya aku nak cek demam aje.
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