Tuesday, July 1, 2008


I have been reading about homeschooling a lot now. Thanks to Fid, who writes about it, Anamiraa who has links to other blogs about it and Rizza who actually implemented homeschool.
Similar to Fid, i dont think i have the opportunity to do homeschooling simply because of the financial burden to the family. And by looking at how things are going, i doubt it that i will ever get the chance.
On this note, i have to say that i am deeply overzealous at my own incapacity to give the best for my children as opposed to 'housewives' moms out there.
I am writing this down simply as a reminder to myself that i have to change for the betterment of my children. Alesha will be in school come 2009 so she develops socially. I think she needs to be outside her circle so she will be more attune to people around her.
But more importantly, i have to make time for her. I was looking at various homeschool blogs lately and most definitely sure if i put just 1% more effort at making it work - even on weekends- my children will benefit from it.
Will write more about this when i can sort my schedule more.


Rizza said...

rehan...yg buat homeskool betul2 tu mamafiza...

aku ni homeskool main2 je...ikut demand itu budak kecik le...ari ni dia nak belajar aku ajar...(tapi kecik2 kasik tanam itu minat pada buku ye...bile beso dah cam hassan le ni..dia akan minta di ajar apa yg dia rasa suka...)

good luck!!!

ala wat je sikit2..buat yg practical je rehan...

pinkytoe said...

za, tu la. Tak pe takpe..tanam semangat dulu. Mana tau anak no. 6 nanti aku boleh buat. Kuang kuang kuang...no. 6??? Aku tulis ni pun nak pengsan..

knv said...

sikit2 pun ok. asal berterusan. budak2 ni memang dah cerdik cuma kita nak kena pandai manipulate (?) je.

untuk alesha, aku rasa 15-20 mins quality time everyday pun dah ok. yang penting, EVERYDAY.

yang aku tengok masalah parents ni (termasuk aku gak la) ialah tak ada jadual spesifik. so kadang2 jadik tak consistent. aku pun takde jadual jugak. tapi everyday pun memang anak2 aku ada 'homework time' so that bila dah sekolah nanti takdelah culture shock nak belajar lebih dari biasa..

well... just my two cent. anak2 aku pun masih jauh lagi nak berjalan nih!

good luck to all of us!

Crazee Choc's said...

Aku punya plan lak.... kalau tak bley homeskool full time.... half pun Ok... means that... kat umh ajar sket2 la... bukan biarkan pd sekolah je. Aku pun skrg payah sgt nak buat everyday sbb anak aku ni suka tgk TV la pulak....

Mommy Hafiy said...

gambatte mommy!teaching children is a win-win game, no matter how bad you are playing it, u will win at the end...for me lah!
how much you spend time on it tak penting...yg penting ialah how much you spend quality time with your child..walau 5mins sehari pon dah cukup yg penting konsisten dan yg penting kena joyful sbb anak dan mak gembira brla derang rasa nak ikut apa yg kita ajar...
cheewahhh..nasihat org mcm bagus plak..anak sendiri ckp pon tak betul lagi..hehehe
just my two-yen!hehe

Fid said...

aku pun masih rayap2 lagi
anak aku le ni lebih main laaaa..