Friday, June 27, 2008


A scene in a bathroom two mornings ago:-

Mama: Sha, wash your tummy
Alesha: (wash wash tummy) Angun pagi..gosok giiiigii etc etc

Mama: Sha, wash your armpit
Alesha: (raised 2 hands up on the air - continue singing)

Mama: Ok ok dah dah last..wash your face
Alesha: (hand go down to chest and give me the *is this face?* look)

Mama: No. YOUR FACE! (voice cracking up a notch high - Its 8.30 am and im late for work)
Alesha: (hands go even lower to tummy and give me the *is this face* look)

Mama: F!A!C!E!. Ni hah. FACE. (voice definitely at high pitch while pointing to FACE)
Alesha: (senyum kambing while washing her face)

Adeiii pengsan mak

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