Friday, June 27, 2008

What happened in Sat 21/7/08

We were baking!
YUp!! We were. I was on leave on Thurs due to some emergency back home. Hubby dropped by to buy some stationery and i looked to my left HAHAH BAGUS!!( As in BAGUS THE BAKERY INGREDIENTS SHOP)
Well, with 1 kid on sling and 1 chattermouth kid in her pretty terompah flip flop (damn bugger cost me RM30!!), we crossed the street and began our motivated journey (more aptly- mama's aspiration to become a cup cake maker!) to Bagus.
We bought tonnes of things which include muffin choc flour, vanila muffin flour, butter cake mixture and all the 'easy to bake' ingredients'. Gone the days of measuring baking powder, flour, etc etc. Now dump and mix!!
beli beli and beli - the Chatterbox Kid got excited with the variety of cuppies. Noticed 2 extra cuppies and 1 pack of flower confec i didnt put in the basket - We all know whose work is that.
Come Saturday...with the very high hope, the family 'berkampung' at the inlaw. FYI, my SIL is a great baker. She bakes everything from yummylicious mexicon bun to hot salivating creamy choc cake. Moi with the eagerness that beats a 21/2 years old kid begin mixturing the batter despite the high cry of the kid who refuses to be on his own (aka Azhad Razan yang manja)- to the extend my hubby muka kelat-kelat carrying crying Azhad.
Come decorating time, Alesha was at hard work decorating the flower confec (more like membenamkan the flower on the cuppies) and sprinkling the cuppies with smarties and things (i seriously dont know what u call all the lil leaves shape thingy)
POINT IN WRITING ALL THESE CRAP- Alesha, jangan cakap mama tak bake for you!!


Rizza said...

rehan,,,cantik wajah blog yg baru ni..

cam tu le mama n alesha dah start mem"baking"

seronok kan..

pinkytoe said...

Za, hehe aku 2 3 hari ni lemah betul nak jd employee of themonth.Tu la tetiba semangat menggodek blog ni dtg. Sempat la buat entry ntah apa2.

knv said...

jgn baking banyak2 nanti jadi gemuk cam aku muahahahahahahaha!